The New Hampshire, named after its place of origin, New Hampshire State in the New England region of USA is a dual purpose, family friendly chicken. The hens are placid, good mothers and easy to tame which makes the New Hampshire chicken a great breed for families with children of all ages.
- Class: New Hampshire state in the New England region of USA
- Size: 2.9 - 3.9kg
- Rarity: Rare
- Purpose: Dual Purpose chicken, selected more for meat production than egg production.
- Some strains lay eggs of a dark brown shell color
- 120 Eggs Annually
They possess a deep, broad body, grow feathers very rapidly, are prone to go broody and make good mothers. Most pinfeathers are reddish buff in color and, therefore, do not detract from the carcass appearance very much. The color is a medium to light red and often fades in the sunshine. The comb is single and medium to large in size; in the females it often lops over a bit.
- Hardy in Winter: Yes
- Especially Docile: Yes
- Setter/Broody:
- Personality: The hens lay well and are placid and friendly and are therefore easy to tame. They thrive in a run or wandering free and as they are not good fliers, they do not need particularly high fencing. They are not aggressive towards each other and are tolerant creatures
- Family Friendly Rating: 4/5
- Other Chicken Breeds with a high Family Friendly Rating: Orpington, Rhode Island Red, ISA Brown, Polish & Barred Plymouth Rock
Want to know more? Have a sticky beak at our 5 reasons to love New Hampshire Reds here!
Whether you love the New Hampshire Reds or are impressed by the Leghorns, there are so many brilliant breeds to consider before making the final decision for your fab flock. It can be eggstremely overwhelming to find the perfect breed for your family. From looks, to traits to egg-laying talents - where should you begin?
Cluckily, our friends over at Chickenpedia have created an amazing Chicken Breeds Course. This extensive online course shares helpful advice on choosing the top chickens for you as well as size & frequency of eggs laid. You will even learn about their individual personalities, and be able to use their family-friendly compatibility scale through this well-structured program. It really is a great way to discover your perfect backyard buddies which is why I highly recommend them to all of my readers! The courses are beginner-friendly and filled with vital information to help you raise a happy, healthy flock.
As chicken keepers, we want to do an eggcellent job when caring for our feathered friends. Unfortunately, many of us struggle to handle chicken health or behaviour issues, especially in the first few years of having a flock. Chickenpedia have a broad range of comprehensive online courses that cover everything you didn’t know you need to know and then some more! From healthcare to raising baby chicks to feeding and behavior, get the knowledge and confidence to successfully look after your flock.
As a member, you will get access to ALL their fantastic courses. So, no need to wing it, become a confident chicken keeper. Click here to check out Chickenpedia today!