Hot chicken? Or chilly chicken? Well, preferably none of these should be on the menu for our feathered friends! Whilst chickens are renown for their resilience, there does come a point where they need a helping hand from their owners to escape the heat, or prevent cold feet!
Precautions vary depending on the climate of your area - for example, North Queensland isn't exactly famous for its skiing. And you won't find many beach goers in Hobart! The breed can also play a significant role - for example, the Barred Plymouth Rock is well known for its cold-hardiness. Generally speaking, if the weather is slightly hot or a reasonable level of coldness, your chickens will continue to thrive, and their bodies natural resistance will be enough to prevent illness. However, when the weather does hit extremes, your flock can be seriously affected. If you're experiencing temperatures over approximately 32 degrees celsius, check your chicks regularly to ensure they aren't overheating. Conversely, in temperatures below zero or under 8 degrees, chickens can be at risk of frostbite.
The good news is, there are many easily identifiable warning signs if you think your chicks are losing the battle against the elements. Many are synonymous with human symptoms as well! Keep your eye out for any of the following signs -
Heavy breathing
Stretching their wings away from their body
They will also droop and appear lethargic.
Loss of appetite
Our Top Five Ways to Keep Your Chickens Warm This Winter article has more inventive methods of keeping your chickens toasty!

The colour of their extremities i.e. feet and head - if they are becoming lighter in colour, then you may have a case of frostbite developing.
Loss of appetite

There are many practical ways in which you can give your chickens a helping hand should the weather prove too strenuous. Many are simple and are great at preventing a hefty vet bill!
Tips to keep your hens warm:
1: Make sure the chicken is no longer exposed to the cold temperatures outside, and then gradually immerse the chicken in warm - not hot - water.
2: If your looking for a little more out-of-the-box solution and are an avid knitting fan, then maybe a DIY jumper is the answer!
3: Keep them entertained - getting your chickens moving around is an easy way to get the blood flowing and to warm them up. Stringing some food up to the ceiling of their coop to give them some motivation to jump!
4: If the case of frostbite does look severe, its best to contact your veterinarian.
Tips to keep your hens cool:
1: Always make sure they have fresh water to drink.
2: Keep a bucket or source of water on standby, so you can give them a light sprinkle of relief should they be looking overcooked!
3: Freezing foods like watermelon and other fruits into ice cubes is also an easy, tasty snack that'll cool them down.
4: If your chickens are looking a little dehydrated, purchase some specialist vitamins and electrolytes and add it to their water - they'll be back to their perky selves in no time.
The best and easiest solution for both sides of the thermometer is ensuring that your chicken coop is well ventilated, and that there's no sneaky cracks where drafts can creep in - that's a sure fire way to chill your chick to the bone. Having more hens in the coop is also a brilliant, simple way to beat the cold, as body heat is one of the most effective sources of warmth.
One of the best attributes of chickens is that they can adapt to different climates. The best preventative measures are to research the breed, and have a reliable coop - but if your chickens fall foul of the elements, all the steps needed to get them back to 100% are simple, and pretty cheep.
Come rain or shine, hot or cold, something we’ll never be able to control is the weather! Each season comes with a new benefits and challenges in the chicken keeping world. It can be a worry and concern when thinking about the safety and comfort of your backyard friends.
Cluckily, you can prepare for all seasons thanks to our friends over at Chickenpedia. I recommend their brilliant Weatherproof Chickens course to all my readers! They have compiled an essential guide of everything you need to keep healthy chickens through the seasons (which is more than you think!) with a practical set of checklists and downloads to keep. Dangerous conditions including dehydration and frostbite can be avoided with the correct information and actions. Whatever the weather, this course will help you keep your chickens happy and healthy all year round.
As chicken keepers, we want to do an eggcellent job when caring for our feathered friends. Many chicken keepers struggle to handle chicken health or behaviour issues, especially in the first few years of having a flock. Chickenpedia have comprehensive online courses on everything you didn’t know you need to know and then some more! From healthcare to raising baby chicks to feeding and behavior, you’ll find beginner-friendly courses that’ll give you the knowledge and confidence to successfully look after your chickens.
As a member, you will get access to ALL their fantastic courses. No need to wing it, become the ultimate chicken eggspert! Check out Chickenpedia and their amazing courses today!