Coriander is a herb that people generally love or hate thanks to it’s incredibly powerful taste and strong fragrance. If you’re a chicken person you...
Once upon a time, chickens were wild creatures, running around in their native habitat and scratching and foraging for food. So before they could pop...
Welsummers are beautiful European birds, sought after for their dark brown eggs, as well as their lovely personality and temperament! Welsummers are a very popular...
Most Chicken Ladies will never forget the first time they their lay eyes upon a distinctive, quirky and downright bizarre naked neck chicken. When animal...
Dual purpose chicken breeds are classified as breeds that are egg-cellent layers, but also have heavy-set builds, which means they has a substantial amount of meat- so they...
Sebright chickens are unique and exotic looking ladies with sweet temperaments and a penchant for curiosity. In the early 1800s Sir John Sebright - a...
Hamburg chickens have a rich and fascinating history. While quite showy in their feathery cloaks, a long time tale tells of these chooks taking part...
Fine cuisine, great art and beautiful music are just a snapshot of the cultural influences from life in nineteenth century Italy. Enter the Ancona chicken....
So, you’ve been keeping chickens for quite a while now and feel comfortable-you’ve mastered the basics of tending them, you know when a particular hen...
Oodles of Egg-ceptional Chicken Breeds for Your Backyard Flock! Choosing the chicken breeds to include in your backyard flock is great fun! There are literally,...
When people think of backyard chickens, most will conjure up images of brown feathers, stick legs with a lovely little red crescent perched atop their...
Table Of ContentsINTRODUCTION CHAPTER 1: Frequently Asked Questions Common Questions about the Brahma Chicken CHAPTER 2 : Characteristics Brahma Chicken...
You may be well accustomed to chilly temperatures, but will your prospective chickens be able to withstand the harsh elements of your climate? If you’re...
The word is definitely out about the remarkable benefits that unpasteurised apple cider vinegar have for your flock of cheeky chooks. Many a Chicken Lady...